Chewy, homemade flatbread makes any meal seem special. Use in place of pitas, bread, or crackers!
A family favorite - passed down from my great-great grandma. Could definitely be slimmed down, but I'm entering it in the old-fashioned way just so I know...
Amazingly delicious first attempt at corn muffins.
Easy, delicious and healthy Zucchini Mushroom Saute recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Zucchini Mushroom Saute.
This is a tasty very low calorie and easy side dish
I love this recipe! It can be used as a sauce for grilled meats, a dressing for salads or steamed vegetables, or as a marinade for tofu or other lean proteins....
This is one of the few vegetable dishes that my young grandson loves, but without the onions. He said it was like the Rahmspinat he ate when he lived in...
simple cabbage side dish
One of my favorite restaurants, Houlihan's, served these California Mashers in place of mashed potatoes, a favorite comfort food, Who knew cauliflower...
These tasty roasted vegetables can be cooked on the grill or roasted in the oven! The pineapple adds a wonderful sweetness to the vegetables.
Dole Classic Coleslaw mix made using the recipe on the back of the package.
I have to watch the carbs, this is diabetic friendly, gives me additional vegetables and low in fat. The bonus is the shrimp and lowfat milk for proteins....
Had to cook Sweet Potatoes quickly and stumbled on this crowd pleaser
Delectable sweet'll never go back to Idaho again!
Perfect with pork or beef roasts. This salad can be made ahead and chilled. Bring to room temperature before serving.
Recipe for homemade croutons and then the dressing made from the croutons. It is best to make the croutons the day before you make the dressing.
get all those vegetables into one dish! to your salt shaker? Dr. Oz has a solution with this salt-free spice mix. This blend of...
Easy, delicious and healthy Baked brown rice with mushrooms recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Baked brown rice with mushrooms.
Easy, delicious and healthy Roasted Fennel and Leeks recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Roasted Fennel and Leeks.
I adapted my fiance's recipe to use Splenda and a little's simply delicious!
Good side dish for potato lovers that need to try and incorporate some more green veggies. I used dry dill because it is what I had. You can use fresh...
A great tasting and textured bread that has your Grandmother's bread bowl memories in every bite.
Native Americans have had Bannock cooking over a campfire for many many years. It's now becoming popular with campers.Prepare a favorite bannock recipe,...
Similar to Dixie Cafe
I wanted to show that my toaster oven was useful for more than just small warm-ups and toast. I tried a corn bread and I was very pleased with the results....
A quick and easy dish I threw together as a side dish to add some extra fruit to the menu. Kids and hubby gave it ooohs and aaahs.
Easy, delicious and healthy Pistachio Pudding Salad (Sugar Free) recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Pistachio Pudding Salad (Sugar...
I love this as a side dish with Salmon or chicken, but if you are vegitarian you could double the portion and have a decent meal of it too.
Easy, delicious and healthy Roasted Petite Yukon Gold Potatoes with Herbs de Provence recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Roasted Petite...
A low fat, low calorie, alternative to mash potatoes.
Healthy sweet cabbage fried with onions in oilve oil.
Basic no-frills cornbread. I wanted a count on the exact recipe I made from a Martha White Self-Rising Yellow Corm Meal Mix. Note: I substituted 2T butter...
A great side dish that complements any entree.
Great bread for an italian touch
Easy, delicious and healthy Orzo with Creamed Corn Sauce recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Orzo with Creamed Corn Sauce.
Easy, delicious and healthy Three Rivers Southern Cornbread recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Three Rivers Southern Cornbread.
Recipe modified from the Low Carb Friends forum. I made it with almond flour instead of soy and applesauce instead of butter. Fits 2lb bread machine. Cut...
Easy, delicious and healthy Coscto Harvest Medley Rice recipe from SparkRecipes. See our top-rated recipes for Coscto Harvest Medley Rice.
A summer favorite in my family, made lighter and healthier! Makes enough to feed a small army. Gets better the longer it sits.
Polish Kluski Noodles with chicken in sauce
Spanish white rice is a bit different from the white rice found in Asian dishes... mainly, it is not as sticky. This rice accompanies many Latin American...
Because this dish is so high in everything it's only for a very, very special occasion!
Tastes like Pappadeaux recipe!
Coleslaw recipe from the bag. :)
Delicious and different! A lighter version of the baking powder variety of banana nut bread and so easy to make in the bread machine. Nuts are optional,...
Low-fat buttermilk adds flavor and keeps this cornbread moist.